In this document we will show how to fit piecewise linear models in a Bayesian framework using NIMBLE (de Valpine et al. 2017). We will use the Chicago dataset as it can be found in the dlnm package. Using typing help(chicagoNMMAPS) you will find the following information about the dataset:

The data set contains daily mortality (all causes, CVD, respiratory), weather (temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity) and pollution data (PM10 and ozone) for Chicago in the period 1987-2000 from the National Morbidity, Mortality and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS).

The purpose of the tutorial is to assess the effect of temperature on the number of deaths of all causes, using the Chicago dataset. At this analysis we are not interested in modelling the lag effect.

Install and load packages

This practical requires the following packages to be installed and attached: sf, dplyr, tidyverse, nimble, coda, spdep, patchwork, GGally, ggmcmc, kableExtra, splines2 and dlnm.

  • To install the entire suite of packages, we can use:
install.packages(c("sf", "dplyr", "tidyverse", "nimble", "coda", "spdep", "patchwork", 
                   "GGally", "ggmcmc", "dlnm", "splines2", "kableExtra"), dependencies = TRUE, repos = "")
  • Then, load the needed packages:
library(sf)           # Simple feature for R
library(dplyr)        # A package for data manipulation
library(tidyverse)    # A package for data manipulation and plotting
library(nimble)       # A package for performing MCMC in R
library(coda)         # A package for summarizing and plotting of MCMC output 
                      # and diagnostic tests
library(spdep)        # A package to calculate neighbors
library(patchwork)    # A package to combine plots
library(GGally)       # A package to do pairplots
library(ggmcmc)       # MCMC diagnostics with ggplot
library(dlnm)         # A package for performing dlnms in R
library(splines2)     # A package to fit splines in R
library(kableExtra)   # packages for formatting tables in rmarkdown
library(fastDummies)  # Library to create dummies from a string
library(parallel)     # Library for parallel computing

Import and explore the Chicago dataset

  • Import the health data
head(chicagoNMMAPS, 10)
##          date time year month doy       dow death cvd resp       temp   dptp
## 1  1987-01-01    1 1987     1   1  Thursday   130  65   13 -0.2777778 31.500
## 2  1987-01-02    2 1987     1   2    Friday   150  73   14  0.5555556 29.875
## 3  1987-01-03    3 1987     1   3  Saturday   101  43   11  0.5555556 27.375
## 4  1987-01-04    4 1987     1   4    Sunday   135  72    7 -1.6666667 28.625
## 5  1987-01-05    5 1987     1   5    Monday   126  64   12  0.0000000 28.875
## 6  1987-01-06    6 1987     1   6   Tuesday   130  63   12  4.4444444 35.125
## 7  1987-01-07    7 1987     1   7 Wednesday   129  72   12  1.3888889 26.750
## 8  1987-01-08    8 1987     1   8  Thursday   109  51   13 -1.6666667 22.000
## 9  1987-01-09    9 1987     1   9    Friday   125  62    7 -3.0555556 29.000
## 10 1987-01-10   10 1987     1  10  Saturday   153  90   11  0.2777778 27.750
##      rhum     pm10        o3
## 1  95.500 26.95607  4.376079
## 2  88.250       NA  4.929803
## 3  89.500 32.83869  3.751079
## 4  84.500 39.95607  4.292746
## 5  74.500       NA  4.751079
## 6  77.375 40.95607  6.334412
## 7  74.500 33.95607  8.594019
## 8  77.875 28.95607 11.797890
## 9  95.125 32.34877  3.876079
## 10 81.875       NA  5.388137

Piecewise linear analysis

The model

We are fitting a model with a Poisson as the likelihood defined as: \[ \begin{eqnarray} O_{t} & \sim & \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{t}) \\ \log(\lambda_{t}) & = & \alpha + \sum_j \beta_j\text{dow}_{j} + \beta_{\text{temp}1}x_t(x_t - c)I(x_t\leq c) + \beta_{\text{temp2}}(x_t - c)I(x_t>c) + \gamma\text{PM}_t + \xi_t \\ \xi_t & \sim & RW2(\tau^{-1}) \\ \alpha, {\pmb \beta},{\pmb \beta_{\text{temp}}}, \gamma & \sim & N(0, \kappa) \\ 1/\tau & \sim & \text{Gamma}(1,1) \end{eqnarray} \]

where \(\alpha\) is an intercept term, \(\beta_j\) covariates for the effect of the days, \(\gamma\) a linear term for PM and \(\xi_t\) a temporal trend. In this parametrization, \(\alpha - c\beta_{\text{temp}1}\) and \(\beta_{\text{temp}1}\) are the intercept and slope of the first line, whereas \(\alpha - c\beta_{\text{temp}2}\) and \(\beta_{\text{temp}2}\) the intercept and slope of the second line. The challenging part of such analyses is to specify this threshold.

In this tutorial, we will select thresholds in two ways and compare results. The first is by selecting the model with the threshold that minimises the WAIC, whereas the second is to treat the threshold as a random variable and calculate it accordingly.

Minimising the WAIC

The code

  • Nimble model
WAIC.code <- nimbleCode(
    for (t in 1:Total){
      O[t] ~ dpois(mu[t])    
      log(mu[t]) <- alpha + inprod(beta[1:6], X[t, 1:6]) + gamma*PM[t] + xi[time_cat[t]] + 
        beta_tmp[J[t]] * (Temperature[t] - x.change)
      J[t] <- 1 + step(Temperature[t] - x.change)
   # intrinsic CAR prior on the effect of time
   xi[1:N] ~ dcar_normal(adj[1:M], weights[1:M], num[1:N], tau.xi, c = 2, zero_mean = 1)

    # Priors:
    alpha ~ dnorm(0, tau = 0.001)                        
    alpha_1 <- alpha - beta_tmp[1]*x.change   # the intercept of the first segment
    alpha_2 <- alpha - beta_tmp[2]*x.change   # the intercept of the second segment
    for(j in 1:6){
        beta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau = 5)
    for (k in 1:2) {
      beta_tmp[k] ~ dnorm(0, tau = 5)

    gamma ~ dnorm(0, tau = 5)

    # the priors are informative to help smoothing
    tau.xi <- 1/sigma2.xi
    sigma2.xi ~ dgamma(1, 0.5)
  • Define a new data frame without the missing PM\(_{10}\). <- chicagoNMMAPS[!$pm10),] <-[order($time),]$time <- 1:nrow($time_cat <- cut($time, 
  breaks = seq(from = min($time), 
               to  = max($time), 
               length.out = 700), # a weekly term
  labels = 1:699,
  include.lowest = TRUE
)$time_cat <-
  as.numeric(droplevels($time_cat)) <-[order($time_cat),]
  • Define the weights for the covariance matrix of the RW2.
RW2 <- function(k){
    rest.comp <- list()
    for(i in 3:(k-2)){
      rest.comp[[i]] <- c(i-2, i-1, i+1, i+2)
    rest.comp <- unlist(rest.comp)
    adj = c(2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 
            c(k-3, k-2, k, k-2, k-1)
    num = c(2, 3, rep(4, times = c(k-4)), 3, 2)
    weights = c(c(2, -1, 2, 4, -1), 
                rep(c(-1, 4, 4, -1), times = c(k-4)),
                c(-1, 4, 2, -1, 2))
    retlist <- list()
    retlist$adj <- adj
    retlist$num <- num
    retlist$weights <- weights

# time
N <- max($time_cat)
Wnb <- RW2(N)
  • Data objects:
# Format the data for NIMBLE in a list
ChicagoData = list(
                 O =$death, 
                 X = as.matrix(fastDummies::dummy_cols($dow)[,-c(1:2)]), 
                 PM = scale($pm10)[,1], 
                 Temperature =$temp

ChicagoConsts <-list(
                 N = N,  
                 M = length(Wnb$adj),
                 adj = Wnb$adj,                             
                 num = Wnb$num,
                 weights = Wnb$weights, 
                 time_cat =$time_cat, 
                 Total = nrow(
  • Initialize the parameters:
inits <- 
  list(alpha=rep(0.01, times = 1), 
       xi=rep(0.1, times = N),
       beta=rep(0, times = 6), 
       beta_tmp=rep(0, times = 2))
  • Set the parameters that will be monitored:
params <- c("mu", paste0("beta[", 1:6, "]"), "alpha", "alpha_1", "alpha_2",
            "gamma", "xi", "sigma2.xi", paste0("beta_tmp[", 1:2, "]"))
  • Specify the MCMC setting:
# MCMC setting
ni <- 150000  # nb iterations 
nt <- 10     # thinning interval
nb <- 50000   # nb iterations as burn-in 
nc <- 1      # nb chains
  • Run the MCMC simulations calling Nimble from R using the function nimbleMCMC(). If implemented on the parallel environment takes ~1h.
thresholds <- quantile($temp, probs = seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.05))
parfun <- function(m){
  ChicagoConsts$x.change <- as.numeric(thresholds[m])
  WAIC.model <- nimbleMCMC(code = WAIC.code,
                           data = ChicagoData,
                           constants = ChicagoConsts, 
                           inits = inits,
                           monitors = params,
                           niter = ni,
                           nburnin = nb,
                           thin = nt, 
                           nchains = nc, 
                           setSeed = 9, 
                           progressBar = TRUE,      
                           samplesAsCodaMCMC = TRUE, 
                           summary = TRUE, 
                           WAIC = TRUE
  WAIC_vals <- WAIC.model$WAIC
  beta_1 <- WAIC.model$summary["beta_tmp[1]", c("Median", "95%CI_low", "95%CI_upp")]
  beta_2 <- WAIC.model$summary["beta_tmp[2]", c("Median", "95%CI_low", "95%CI_upp")]
  list2ret <- list(WAIC_vals = WAIC_vals, beta_1 = beta_1, beta_2 = beta_2)

# Set up parallel environment
m <- 1:19
ncores <- 19
cl <- makeCluster(ncores, methods=FALSE)
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
clusterExport(cl, c("parfun", "thresholds", "WAIC.code", "ChicagoData", "ChicagoConsts", 
                    "inits", "params", "ni", "nb", "nc", "nt", "m"))
# For 1 parameter use parSapply
t_0 <- Sys.time()
outpar <- parLapply(cl = cl, m, parfun)
t_1 <- Sys.time() 
t_1 - t_0
# close parallel environment
  • Extract the threshold that minimises the WAIC.
dat_WAIC <- data.frame(quant = seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), 
                       thresholds = thresholds, 
                       WAIC = sapply(outpar, function(X) X$WAIC_vals))

dat_WAIC %>%  slice(which.min(WAIC)) -> minWAIC
ggplot() + geom_point(data = dat_WAIC, aes(x=thresholds, y = WAIC)) + 
  geom_line(data = dat_WAIC, aes(x=thresholds, y = WAIC)) + ylim(c(38000, 38200)) + xlim(c(-10, 30)) + 
  theme_bw() + xlab("Temperature") + geom_vline(data = minWAIC, aes(xintercept = thresholds), linetype = "dashed") + 
  annotate("text", x = 24, y = 38060, label = paste0("Quantile = ", minWAIC$quant)) + 
  annotate("text", x = 25, y = 38040, label = paste0("Temperature = ", round(minWAIC$thresholds), "oC"))

  • Extract \(\beta_{\text{temp}1}\) and \(\beta_{\text{temp}2}\) for the different thresholds. In red dotted line is the threshold that minimises the WAIC.
# beta_1
dat_beta1 <- data.frame(quant = seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), 
                        thresholds = thresholds)
dat_beta1 <- cbind(dat_beta1,, lapply(outpar, function(X) X$beta_1)))
colnames(dat_beta1)[c(4:5)] <- c("low", "up")

ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data = dat_beta1, aes(x = thresholds, y = Median)) +
  geom_errorbar(data = dat_beta1, aes(x = thresholds, y = Median, ymin = low, ymax = up), 
                width = .5, position = "dodge") + ylim(c(-0.004, 0.004)) + xlim(c(-10, 30)) + 
  xlab("Temperature") + ylab("log beta_1") + theme_bw() + 
  geom_vline(data = minWAIC, aes(xintercept = thresholds), linetype = "dashed", col = "red") -> p1

# beta_2
dat_beta2 <- data.frame(quant = seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), 
                        thresholds = thresholds)
dat_beta2 <- cbind(dat_beta2,, lapply(outpar, function(X) X$beta_2)))
colnames(dat_beta2)[c(4:5)] <- c("low", "up")

ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data = dat_beta2, aes(x = thresholds, y = Median)) +
  geom_errorbar(data = dat_beta2, aes(x = thresholds, y = Median, ymin = low, ymax = up), 
                width = .5, position = "dodge") + ylim(c(0, 0.035)) + xlim(c(-10, 30)) + 
  xlab("Temperature") + ylab("log beta_2") + theme_bw() + 
  geom_vline(data = minWAIC, aes(xintercept = thresholds), linetype = "dashed", col = "red") -> p2


  • Table of the WAIC, different thresholds and the betas. The difference between the WAICs of the 45th, 60th and 65th percentile is negligible, but strictly speaking the minimum is for the 65th.
options(scipen = 9999999)
dat <- cbind(round(dat_WAIC$WAIC), 
             signif(cbind(dat_WAIC[,-3], dat_beta1[,-c(1,2)], dat_beta2[,-c(1,2)]), 2))

colnames(dat)[1] <- "WAIC"
dat <- rbind(
  c("", "", "", "", "beta_1", "", "", "beta_2", ""),

colnames(dat) <- NULL

knitr::kable(dat) %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "center")
1 beta_1 beta_2
2 WAIC quant thresholds Median low up Median low up
5% 38131 0.05 -7.8 -0.00049 -0.0029 0.0018 0.0019 0.0012 0.0025
10% 38134 0.1 -3.9 -0.00051 -0.002 0.001 0.0022 0.0015 0.003
15% 38122 0.15 -1.7 -0.00067 -0.0019 0.00061 0.0026 0.0018 0.0034
20% 38115 0.2 0.28 -0.00079 -0.0019 0.00032 0.003 0.0022 0.0039
25% 38102 0.25 1.7 -0.00079 -0.0018 0.00024 0.0033 0.0024 0.0042
30% 38094 0.3 3.3 -0.00077 -0.0017 0.00017 0.0038 0.003 0.0046
35% 38087 0.35 5 -0.00069 -0.0015 0.00019 0.0042 0.0033 0.0052
40% 38083 0.4 6.7 -0.00058 -0.0014 0.00028 0.0046 0.0036 0.0056
45% 38070 0.45 8.6 -0.00037 -0.0012 0.00039 0.0051 0.004 0.0062
50% 38084 0.5 10 -0.00023 -0.00099 0.00051 0.0053 0.0041 0.0064
55% 38080 0.55 12 -0.000012 -0.00077 0.00073 0.0058 0.0046 0.0072
60% 38070 0.6 14 0.00021 -0.00055 0.00095 0.0066 0.0051 0.0079
65% 38068 0.65 16 0.0003 -0.00043 0.00097 0.007 0.0055 0.0085
70% 38074 0.7 18 0.00055 -0.00013 0.0013 0.0078 0.0062 0.0095
75% 38088 0.75 19 0.00069 -0.0000023 0.0013 0.0084 0.0066 0.01
80% 38089 0.8 21 0.00075 0.000098 0.0014 0.0097 0.0074 0.012
85% 38086 0.85 22 0.00085 0.00023 0.0015 0.012 0.0092 0.015
90% 38087 0.9 24 0.00096 0.00033 0.0016 0.016 0.012 0.02
95% 38095 0.95 26 0.001 0.00046 0.0017 0.026 0.021 0.032
  • Rerun the model with the threshold identified
inits <- list(
       xi=rep(0.1, times = N),
       beta=rep(0, times = 6), 
       beta_tmp=rep(0, times = 2)),
       xi=rep(0.5, times = N),
       beta=rep(-1, times = 6), 
       beta_tmp=rep(1, times = 2))

nc <- 2

ChicagoConsts$x.change <- minWAIC$thresholds
WAIC.model <- nimbleMCMC(code = WAIC.code,
                           data = ChicagoData,
                           constants = ChicagoConsts, 
                           inits = inits,
                           monitors = params,
                           niter = ni,
                           nburnin = nb,
                           thin = nt, 
                           nchains = nc, 
                           setSeed = 9, 
                           progressBar = TRUE,      
                           samplesAsCodaMCMC = TRUE, 
                           summary = TRUE, 
                           WAIC = TRUE


  • Check convergence
ggs_mod_WAIC <- ggs(WAIC.model$samples)
ggs_mod_WAIC %>% filter(Parameter %in% c("alpha_1", "alpha_2")) %>% 
  ggs_traceplot() + theme_bw()

ggs_mod_WAIC %>% filter(Parameter %in% c(paste0("beta_tmp[", 1:2, "]"))) %>% 
  ggs_traceplot() + theme_bw()

Threshold as random variable

The code

  • Nimble model
Changepoint.code <- nimbleCode(
    for (t in 1:Total){
      O[t] ~ dpois(mu[t])                               
      log(mu[t]) <- alpha + inprod(beta[1:6], X[t, 1:6]) + gamma*PM[t] + xi[time_cat[t]] + 
        beta_tmp[J[t]] * (Temperature[t] - x.change)
      J[t] <- 1 + step(Temperature[t] - x.change)
    # intrinsic CAR prior on the effect of time
   xi[1:N] ~ dcar_normal(adj[1:M], weights[1:M], num[1:N], tau.xi, c = 2, zero_mean = 1)

    # Priors:
    alpha ~ dnorm(0, tau = 0.001)                        
    alpha_1 <- alpha - beta_tmp[1]*x.change   # the intercept of the first segment
    alpha_2 <- alpha - beta_tmp[2]*x.change   # the intercept of the second segment
    for(j in 1:6){
        beta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau = 5)
    for (k in 1:2) {
      beta_tmp[k] ~ dnorm(0, tau = 5)

    gamma ~ dnorm(0, tau = 5)

    # the priors are informative to help smoothing
    tau.xi <- 1/sigma2.xi
    sigma2.xi ~ dgamma(1, 0.5)
    x.change ~ dunif(-26,33)                 #  tuned based on the max and min

  • Initialize the parameters:
inits <- list(
       xi=rep(0.1, times = N),
       beta=rep(0, times = 6), 
       beta_tmp=rep(0, times = 2)),
       xi=rep(0.5, times = N),
       beta=rep(-1, times = 6), 
       beta_tmp=rep(1, times = 2))
  • Set the parameters that will be monitored:
params <- c("mu", paste0("beta[", 1:6, "]"), "alpha", "alpha_1","alpha_2",
            "gamma", "xi", "sigma2.xi", paste0("beta_tmp[", 1:2, "]"), 
  • Specify the MCMC setting:
# MCMC setting
ni <- 150000  # nb iterations 
nt <- 10     # thinning interval
nb <- 50000   # nb iterations as burn-in 
nc <- 2      # nb chains
  • Run the MCMC simulations calling Nimble from R using the function nimbleMCMC(). (1.7 hours)
ChicagoConsts$x.change <- NULL

t_0 <- Sys.time()
Changepoint.model <- nimbleMCMC(code = Changepoint.code,
                      data = ChicagoData,
                      constants = ChicagoConsts, 
                      inits = inits,
                      monitors = params,
                      niter = ni,
                      nburnin = nb,
                      thin = nt, 
                      nchains = nc, 
                      setSeed = 9, 
                      progressBar = TRUE,      
                      samplesAsCodaMCMC = TRUE, 
                      summary = TRUE, 
                      WAIC = TRUE
t_1 <- Sys.time()
time_cp <- t_1 - t_0


  • Check convergence
ggs_mod_cp <- ggs(Changepoint.model$samples)
ggs_mod_cp %>% filter(Parameter %in% c( "alpha_1", "alpha_2")) %>% 
  ggs_traceplot() + theme_bw()

ggs_mod_cp %>% filter(Parameter %in% c(paste0("beta_tmp[", 1:2, "]"))) %>% 
  ggs_traceplot() + theme_bw()

ggs_mod_cp %>% filter(Parameter %in% c("x.change")) %>% 
  ggs_traceplot() + theme_bw()

Comparison of Results

The model with threshold as a random variable picks up a higher threshold (see histogram below) compared to the one picked up by the WAIC procedure (red dashed line below). I should also note that I rerun the analysis for the changepoint model with different initial values for the x.change, namely 0 and -10, and the results are identical.

ggs_mod_cp %>% filter(Parameter %in% c("x.change")) %>% 
  ggs_histogram() + theme_bw() + geom_vline(data = minWAIC, aes(xintercept = thresholds), 
                                            linetype = "dashed", col = "red") + xlim(c(0,30))

  • Table of results. The results based on the different approaches are a bit different, of course due to the different change points selected.
Coef95CrI <- function(mod){
  a_1 <- signif(quantile(mod$samples$chain2[,"alpha_1"], probs = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)), digits = 4)
  a_2 <- signif(quantile(mod$samples$chain2[,"alpha_2"], probs = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)), digits = 4)
  a.bind <- 
        paste0("(", a_1[2], ", " , a_1[3], ")")
        paste0("(", a_2[2], ", " , a_2[3], ")")
  b_1 <- signif(quantile(mod$samples$chain2[,"beta_tmp[1]"], 
                         probs = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975))*100, digits = 2)
  b_2 <- signif(quantile(mod$samples$chain2[,"beta_tmp[2]"], 
                         probs = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975))*100, digits = 2)
  b.bind <- 
      paste0(b_1[1], "%"),
      paste0("(", b_1[2], "%", ", " , b_1[3], "%)")
      paste0(b_2[1], "%"),
      paste0("(", b_2[2], "%", ", " , b_1[3], "%)")

  dat <- data.frame(rbind(a.bind, b.bind))
  rownames(dat) <- c("alpha_1", "alpha_2", "beta_1*100", "beta_2*100")
  colnames(dat) <- c("Median", "CrI95%")

tab <- cbind(Coef95CrI(WAIC.model), Coef95CrI(Changepoint.model))
tab <- rbind(
  c("WAIC", "", "Changepoint", ""),

colnames(tab) <- NULL
rownames(tab)[c(1,2)] <- c("", " ")
knitr::kable(tab) %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", 
                full_width = F, position = "center")
WAIC Changepoint
Median CrI95% Median CrI95%
alpha_1 4.712 (4.703, 4.722) 4.717 (4.708, 4.727)
alpha_2 4.603 (4.572, 4.632) 4.044 (3.555, 4.312)
beta_1*100 0.036% (-0.03%, 0.11%) 0.11% (0.052%, 0.17%)
beta_2*100 0.72% (0.57%, 0.11%) 2.7% (1.7%, 0.17%)
  • Plot a RW2 for the temperature (see this tutorial) and the 2 different threshold approaches. It seems that the changepoint model captures better the extremes observed in the higher temperatures, whereas the WAIC approach is defined in a way so there is a better representation of the effect of smaller temperatures.
tmp_cat = cut($temp, 
  breaks = seq(from = min($temp), 
               to  = max($temp), 
               length.out = 100),
  labels = seq(from = min($temp), 
               to  = max($temp), 
               length.out = 100)[-1],
  include.lowest = TRUE

tmp_cat <- droplevels(tmp_cat)
tmp_cat <- 
round(as.numeric(as.character(levels(tmp_cat))), digits = 3)
K <- length(tmp_cat)

datRW2 = data.frame(temp = tmp_cat, 
                 median = RW2.model$summary$all.chains[paste0("w[", 1:K, "]"), "Median"] + 
                 LL = RW2.model$summary$all.chains[paste0("w[", 1:K, "]"), "95%CI_low"] + 
                 UL = RW2.model$summary$all.chains[paste0("w[", 1:K, "]"), "95%CI_upp"] + 

# function to get the lines to plot them

PlotLinearSegm <- function(mod, thr){
  a <- median(mod$samples$chain2[,"alpha"])
  b_1 <- median(mod$samples$chain2[,"beta_tmp[1]"])
  b_2 <- median(mod$samples$chain2[,"beta_tmp[2]"])
  a_1 <- median(mod$samples$chain2[,"alpha_1"])
  a_2 <- median(mod$samples$chain2[,"alpha_2"])
  x_1 <- seq(from=min(tmp_cat), to=thr, length.out = 20)
  x_2 <- seq(from=thr, to=max(tmp_cat), length.out = 20)
  return(data.frame(xvalues = c(x_1, x_2), beta = c(c(a_1 + b_1*x_1), c(a_2 + b_2*x_2))))

# WAIC model

dat.WAIC.plot <- PlotLinearSegm(mod=WAIC.model, thr=minWAIC$thresholds)
dat.WAIC.plot$model <- "WAIC"

# CP model

dat.cp.plot <- PlotLinearSegm(mod=Changepoint.model, 

dat.cp.plot$model <- "CP"

dat.mod.plot <- rbind(dat.WAIC.plot, dat.cp.plot)

ggplot() + geom_line(data = datRW2, aes(x = temp, y = median), size = 1) + 
  geom_line(data = datRW2, aes(x = temp, y = LL), linetype = 2) + 
  geom_line(data = datRW2, aes(x = temp, y = UL), linetype = 2) + 
  theme_bw() + xlab("Temperature") + ylab("log Number of deaths") + xlim(c(-30, 35)) + 
  geom_line(data = dat.mod.plot, aes(x = xvalues, y = beta, col = model), linetype = 1, size = 1) 


In this tutorial, I show how to fit linear threshold models using NIMBLE. The two approaches produce similar results, nevertheless using a random variable for the threshold is a more flexible and natural approach. The Bayesian framework naturally provides a scheme to propagate any prior knowledge about this threshold, for instance when we are interested in higher temperatures. Of notice is that the parametrisation used influences convergence and the results. We used a RW2 based approach as the truth and we showed that even in such extreme cases a linear threshold model with one threshold would suffice. Of course, splines or RW2 are more flexible, but certain reasons such as: a) when the interest lies in higher temperatures, b) more intuitive communication of the results (say by 1oC increase in temperature) and c) when such a threshold is of interest, call for the use of these models. I should also note that it is common for such analyses to implement spatially varying coefficients which could account for steep increases in the higher quantiles, implying that a line would be enough. Finally, the flexibility of such models can be increased by adding more thresholds, but if you aim at flexibility splines and RW2 are better alternatives.


de Valpine, P., D. Turek, C. J. Paciorek, C. Anderson-Bergman, D. Temple Lang, and R. Bodik. 2017. “Programming with Models: Writing Statistical Algorithms for General Model Structures with NIMBLE.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26: 403–17.